Thursday, October 4, 2007

deadline #6 annotated Bibliographies

Understanding Drugs, Alcohol and Crime
written by:Bennett, Trevor
published by:McGraw-Hill Education

This book is a great source for me and anyone who wants to learn ALOT more on drugs. It answers vital questions and also poses questions that can help motivate you to look for more answers. It poses the question, Are drugs and crime related? They shows studies that are done that goes into further detail. I will be using this book as a resource in my final paper.

Treating Drug Problems
written by: Dean Gerstein, Henrick Harwood, Institute of Medicine Staff

This book goes into detail about the federal role in the drug treatment system that has been reduced. Making it hard to help communities respond to the new challenges such as the crack-cocaine epidemic and the growing violence in drug the markets.

It talks about how to use drug treatment and fit it into drug policy, including the different perspectives of the medical and criminal-justice communities. What is known about drug consumption behavior and what treatment approaches have proven most cost-beneficial. What areas need further research, and also includes specifications for increased study of treatment effectiveness and drug use by teens and young women.

This website goes into reference about drug trafficking and the problem it is. They talk about what has been done. And talks about what could be done to decrease the problem.

i think this website could be of some help when i go into detail of what is the main cause of the drug problem, and what the government can do, about it.

1 comment:

SemperFidelis said...

A few places you might try for information

Theres huge problems with drug cartels becomming increasingly violent in Mexico. Recent crackdowns down there is making mexican officials really realize how entrenched these organizations have become due to a lack of drug enforcement down there. Could be interesting to look into and compare to here perhaps.

Also, you might want to try hitting up a Poline Departement are Private Security Company and ask if you can get a copy of the text or handouts that they use for their drug enforcement training. This could give you a thorough but simple rundown on how law enforcement trains for this.